This elective course investigated for the first time the Naharayim Site as a point cloud model.
Prof. Christophe Girot, Ben Gitai, Philipp RW Urech, llmar Hurkxkens
Ruben Bernegger, Bérénice Aubry, Annika Bühler, Takayoshi Goto, Simon Hirtz, Lital Levi, Matheo Michels, Christian Ott, Julian Over, Max Spett, Tudor Stefanescu, Michael Thoma
The Jordan River Project in Naharayim and the Architecture of Erich Mendelsohn
ETH Students for the first time will investigate the Naharayim Site as a point cloud model. They will work through a series of precise section–elevations revealing the site and the hydroelectric power station on the border of Jordan and Palestine (1932) and then Israel (1948). Until now this site has not been documented. Students will look at the site and its specific organization through various architectural and landscape elements (zero-canal, dam, hydroelectric power plant, bridges).
The work will be developed during short individual meetings and in a condensed Saturday workshop. The goal is to produce material for an exhibition and publication on the theme of the architecture of power in this region, and it will be in preparation of a design studio in Spring 2017.
Teaser ‘Scales of Power’ – 2016

Student Work: Aubry Berenice

Student Work: Stefanescu Tudor