The Elisarion

The Elisarion
December 17, 2013 jrebsame
The Cyclorama 'The Clear World of the Blissful'

Pascal Werner
Lukas Piccolin (Association PRO ELISARION)

True-color point cloud of the cyclorama 'The Clear World of the Blissful'
True-color point cloud of the cyclorama 'The Clear World of the Blissful'

Point Cloud Visualization of The Original Rotunda and the Cyclorama

The cicular painting “The Clear World of the Blissful” by Elisàr von Kupffer
 (1872-1942) was the center of von Kupffer’s house, called Elisarion, in Minusio (
Ticino) and was on display from 1939 in a rotunda added to the house.
 The exhibition designer Harald Szeemann saved the painting from 
 destruction in the late 1970s when all the art work was cleared out of von Kupffer’s house. After touring as part of an Szeemann-exhibition the circular painting was installed in a wooden pavilion on Monte Verità Ascona due to lack of finances, where it has remaind up to this day.

Von Kupffer’s house with the original rotunda still existing, serves currently as cultural center for Minusio. Based on 3D-Scanning methods developped at the chair of landscape 
architecture at ETH Zurich the circular painting can be virtually
 reconstructed and visualized in its original rotunda.