Chair of Professor Christophe Girot
Institut of Landscape Architecture, ETH Zürich
Judit Bax, Bruno De Meulder, Christophe Girot, Jandirk Hoekstra, Martin Hulsebosch, Ellen Kelder, James Melsom, Frédéric Rossano, Kelly Shannon, Dirk Sijmons, Antje Stokman
15.0 x 23.0 cm
Euro 22.00 sFr 22.00
ISBN 978-3-85676-313-8
gta Verlag | Sample | Order Pamphlet

Flood protection strategies in terms of absolute protection appear to be unattainable, and a shift is needed from technological intervention alone to specific answers led by design. Water management is evolving from a purely technical domain towards a wider territorial issue embedding cultural, economic, and ecological dimensions. In this context landscape architecture is becoming a key discipline. Pamphlet 16 follows the design studio held by Christophe Girot on the city-island of Dordrecht and includes several contributions framing current challenges of flood defense in a wider territorial and interdisciplinary perspective.