Stefan Körner
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Stefan Körner during the Topology Symposium. Name: Stefan Körner Title: Professor of Landscape Construction and Vegetation…
Michael Seiler
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Michael Seiler during the Topology Symposium. Name: Michael Seiler Title: Prof. Dr. Michael Seiler, Director of the Prussian…
Joseph Schwartz
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Joseph Schwartz during the Topology Symposium. Name: Joseph Schwartz Title: Professor of Structural Engineering at the Departement…
Gion Caminada
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Gion A. Caminada during the Topology Symposium. Name: Gion A. Caminada Title: Chair of Architecture and…
Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani during the Topology Symposium. Name: Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani Title: Chair for the History…
Antje Stockman
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Antje Stockman during the Topology Symposium. Name: Antje Stockman Title: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ökosystemare Gestaltung und Bewirtschaftung von Fließgewässereinzugsgebieten,…
Aita Flury
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Aita Flury during the Topology Symposium. Name: Aita Flury Title: Architect Lecture: ‘Elementares zum Raum. Aspekte von…
Norbert Kühn
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Norbert Kühn during the Topology Symposium. Name: Norbert Kühn Title: Prof. Dr. Vegetationstechnik und Pfalnzenverwendung TU Berlin Lecture: ‘Die…
Jörg Zimmermann
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Jörg Zimmermann during the Topology Symposium. Name: Jörg Zimmermann Title: Prof. Dr. Kunsttheorie at the Akademie…
Annemarie Bucher
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Annemarie Bucher during the Topology Symposium. Name: Annemarie Bucher Title: From 1995 to 2001 responsable…
Erik de Jong
Read moreWe had the pleasure to have Erik Jong during the Topology Symposium. Name: Erik de Jong Title: Artis Chair for Culture, Landscape…
Fujan Fahmi
Landscapevideo. Landscape in Movement
Read moreThis title discusses the contribution landscape videos are making to the changing visual culture of landscape architecture. This title focuses on video work made within the department of Landscape Architecture at the University ETH in Zurich.