Nadine Schütz

Nadine Schütz
April 9, 2014 nschuetz

Nadine-Schutz-chair-of-Landscape-Architecture-prof-girot-ethz_2015 Nadine SCHÜTZ

Co-founder Audiovisual Lab | Affiliated Research Fellow

contact: Nadine Schütz 

tel: +41 44 633 40 03





Nadine Schütz, born 1983 in Switzerland, graduated in Architecture and Urban Design at the ETH Zurich, and complemented these studies with courses in acoustics and music at the ETH Signal and Information Processing Laboratory and at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Since 2009, she is a collaborator at the Chair of Landscape Architecture of Christophe Girot at the ETH Zurich, with whom she has established a new research and teaching focus on landscape acoustics, the sonic quality of our contemporary environment. She has conducted the «Raum-Klang-Labor», an experimental teaching project bringing together architecture and music students and developed through a cooperation with the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST) of the ZHdK. In 2017, she has accomplished her doctoral thesis on The Acoustic Dimension of Landscape Architecture, which also included the installation of a new lab for the spatial simulation of sonic landscapes, the AudioVisual Lab. Currently she is collaborating as an invited researcher with the research team «Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces» at the Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music (IRCAM) in Paris.

In parallel to her academic activity, Nadine Schütz works on landscape architectural and artistic projects. In 2011, she was awarded the Prix Giuseppe Englert for her project «Le Chant du Rhône». The Prix Giuseppe Englert is awarded annually for a convincing project focusing on the qualitative recognition and improvement of the acoustic ambiance. In the Young Researchers «Thinking the contemporary Landscape» Poster Award competition organized by the Volkswagen Foundation at the 2013 conference «Thinking the contemporary Landscape – Positions & Oppositions» at the Herrenhausen Palace in Hanover, Nadine Schütz was awarded the 1st prize and the audience prize for her research on landscape acoustics.