The elective course introduced architecture students to seminal texts in Nature Aesthetics – from Immanuel Kant to Martin Seel, from the 18th century to the present – and examined them through joint reading and discussion.
Gion A. Caminada, Jörn Köppler
Prof. Christophe Girot, Albert Kirchengast
Runa Barbagelata-Villafane, Lean Glanzmann, Alexandra Martinec, Patrick Meng, Daniela Risoli, Tinetta Rauch, Vera Schmidt, Kathrin Wehrheim, Yangzom Wujohktsang, Han Yi
Grundlagen der Naturästhetik
The elective “Landscape and Modernity” introduces architecture students to seminal texts in Nature Aesthetics – from Immanuel Kant to Martin Seel, from the 18th century to the present – and examines them through joint reading and discussion. The goal is to reach a level of comprehension of relevant concepts and theories in order to grasp the topicality of an aesthetic perception of nature for our current understanding of nature as landscape. The seminar assumes an enthusiasm for reading, critical reflection, and discussion and aims to augment the idea of the ʻaestheticalʼ as opposed to relying on more superficial forms of the term.
# At the end of the seminar students will make a simple architectural model to illustrate the spatial relationship between landscape and subject: A simple interior or exterior model is to be set in correspondence to a specific image of landscape (painting, photograph) and documented through photography. The focus is on capturing a particular landscape atmosphere by documenting and discussing it in light of the studied texts. # Guest experts from the area of philosophy and landscape architecture are to be invited to one of the seminars as well as to the final critique to share their perspective.