The elective course dealed with the use and perception of landscape in the context of different cultures.
Ludwig Berger, Ricardo Eizirik
Prof. Christophe Girot, Nadine Schütz, Susann Ahn
Michael Beerli, Shalin Bhatt, Altair Cerda-Tirado, Devashree Dvivedi, Andrea Gonzalez-Palos, Camilla Gormsen, Dennis Häusler, Anna Hermann, Viktoriya Maleva, Shailaja Patel, Dhruvil Soni, Jean-Marc Stadelmann
Re-composing Sonic Landscapes
The elective course Serendipity deals with the use and perception of landscape in the context of different cultures. In autumn semester 2014 we investigate acoustic phenomena in landscape architecture and explore different tools for understanding and re-composing sonic landscapes. The aim of the elective course Sound Check Around is to understand the importance of acoustic phenomena in landscape architecture, and their meaning in the context of different cultures.
By the use of audiovisual tools we are going to challenge the perceptual conventions, that underlie our idea of city and landscape. In this process, spatial, dynamic and cultural aspects will be highlighted.