Jakarta, Singapore / 15. – 24. March 2013
The Design Research Studio on the Ciliwung River in Jakarta is part of the ETH Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore and will involve architecture students for one semester on one of the most challenging sites in Jakarta: the Kampung Melayu. During the course of the semester one workshop will be taught in March jointly with NUS, UI and IPB students in Jakarta and Singapore. The operational framework and methodology of the studio will involve landscape, architecture as well as urban design thinking and will follow the precepts of a site-specific topological approach. Emphasis of the design work will be on the role of landscape and dwelling structures as they interact with the adjacent river in the flood prone neighbourhoods of Kampung Melayu and Bukit Duri in Jakarta. Can the widening of the Ciliwung river corridor become an incentive to doubling the population density in the remainder of the kampong? This would avoid the problem of population displacement, but would require a clear strategy in terms of landscape and architecture. The studio will operate at three distinct scales, the scale of the unit, the scale of the urban block and the scale of the kampung. Students will be asked to develop prototypes on given cross sections of the river to be widened. This will enable advanced design experimentation and transformation of the sections under study. The goal of this studio, with the help of design tools is to develop methodologies capable of dealing with the physical and spatial complexity of this highly urbanized “natural” environment.
Prof. Christophe Girot, llmar Hurkxkens, Magdalena Kaufmann, James Melsom, Philipp Urech
Vladimir Dianiska, Michael Dietrich, Bettina Dobler, Anna Gebhardt, Andreas Häni, Demjan Haller, Shoichiro Hashimoto, Lorraine Haussmann, Edward Jewitt, Benedikt Kowalewski, David Kretz, Annemarie Nagy, Kevin Olas, Oliver Roth, Kylie Russnaik, Pascal Ryser, Mari Saetre, Vera Schmidt, Irene Urso, Basil Witt, Mélanie Ziegler
FS2013 | Designing the Plastic River

Student Work: Basil Witt, Shoichiro Hashimoto, Michael Dietrich

Student Work: Anna Gebhardt, Benedikt Kowalewski, Oliver Roth

Student Work: Kylie Russnaik, Edward Jewitt, Demjan Haller