Celebration Chanukkah Apero
ETH Hönggerberg HIL H 40.9 (Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5), Zurich
Thursday, December 06, 2018, 18:45 -19:45 at the Chair of Landscape Architecture
19:00 Prof. Christophe Girot -Introduction
19:05 David Iselin – The Rift booklet
19:15 Ita Greenberg – Power plant project.
19:20 Ben Gitai- Mapping with light
19:45 lighting the lights
Transformation of Landscape on the Jordan River Valley
This project will present how geographical knowledge, mapping surveys and ideology projected on the ground are combined together in a human act of power over nature. mapping with light will show how carthography relate to a broad swath of digital media and knowledge, drawing out what is conditioned by this biblical landscape. This territory on the Jordan river expresses in its history profound hope, progress and expectations for the entire land, a lightfield for the people living in it.
Project Team:
Professor Christophe Girot Head of Chair of Landscape Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the ETH, Zurich.
Professor Ita Greenberg Titular Professors GTA , Chair for the Architectural History of the Modernity, Zurich.
Professor Sagi Filin Department of Civil Engineering at the Technion in Haifa, Israel.
Ben Gitai – Doctoral Student ETH- researcher at the Landscape Architecture of the ETH, Zurich