Sabine Wolf
Professor Christophe Girot
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hauser, UdK Berlin
Completion: 2017
The aesthetization of the imaginary – Representation of Urban Landscapes in Berlin Through Film
The research is dedicated to the communication of urban landscape in film. To this end, the audio-visual medium of film is made legible as cultural material in a planning context. Based on films shot in the city of Berlin and their generation of moving images of urban space, the effects on and potentials for the perception of the urban landscape today will be investigated.
Despite its dynamic nature and the increasing influence of media on the spatial experience, the medium of film has not yet been drawn upon extensively for the generation of reference images for the perception of urban landscape.
This research project makes a contribution to this somewhat neglected field of the examination of landscape architecture through the depiction of urban space with the moving image.