Building a Dream Between Mountains and Deserts | 15. – 24. March 2019

The Persian Garden includes the most precious element in the arid and unforgiving landscape of Iran: Water. Our journey through Persian landscape heritage led by local architects and experts, which brought us deep into a unique culture. Furthermore we experienced „Nooruz“, the Persian New Year, holiday of spring and renewal, strongly rooted in local cultures.
The desert
beyond the city
belongs to me
a place of beauty
for it reminds me
of the Friend
and wherever
He is, there
is a place of beauty
- Timeframe: Friday 15.03.2019 – Sunday 24.03.2019
- Shiraz, Persepolis, Yazd, Meybod, Isfahan and Kashan.
Prof. Christophe Girot, Fujan Fahmi, Myriam Uzor, Dennis Häusler
Chritophe Girot, Amin Mahan, Reihaneh Khorramrouei, Hosna Pourhashemi.
Jan Aeberhard, Tommaso Delco, Nadine Dollie, Patrick Düblin, Isabelle Fehlmann, Alexandra Giger, Pascal Grumbacher, Reto Habermacher, Paul Kuhn, Luisa Overath, Dunja Richter, Emilie Sauter, Klara Sladeckova, Patrick Strahm, Felix Tran, Anna Travaglini, Deborah Truttmann, Matthias Vollmer, Wie You.
Iran from the point of view of Tommaso Delcó.

Overview of the students’ sketches and reflections during the trip.