The Wahlfach Point Cloud Video, will investigate a variety of places in Zurich through the point cloud model archive available at the Chair of Prof. Christophe Girot. Students will select specific projects in the archive to create a series of short video/sound installations. The approach in the Serendipity Wahlfach will focus on a strong site-specific approach to Zurich’s urban environment ranging from sites at the ETH Zentrum, the ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich HB and the Schazengraben to mention but a few. Emphasis will be given to the place, role and navigation technique of video in the point cloud models under study. The selected student installations will be integrated as part of a larger event recapping the evolution of 50 years of video teaching at the D-ARCH, to be staged at the end of the semester. The underground event will take place in the first week of December 2022, and will be followed by a small publication.
TEACHING TEAM: Prof. Christophe Girot, Fabian Gutscher, Dennis Häusler
CONTACT: Dennis Häusler
Blain Raphael, Hall Ruby,Harnist Andrej, Hoppensack Johannes, Jiménez Albert, Kato Anju, Sitorus Martin, Wyss Oliver,
Compiled Student Work – featured in the installation and round table talks: von Video & Wolken, December 2022