Christophe Girot, Ludwig Berger, Fabian Gutscher, Luisa Overath, Myriam Uzor
Dr. Boris Behncke, Vulcanologist (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Catania)
Prof. Gianpietro Giusso del Galdo, Botanist (University of Catania)
Giuseppe Severini, Musicologist, musician and instrument maker (Randazzo)
Laura Lupo, pistacchio farmer (Bronte)
Maria Ausilia Borzi, olive & wine farmer (Nicolosi)
Fabrizio Busà, lemon farmer (Riposto)
Price Range D. Max. 12 students
Exploring the naturecultural landscape of Mount Etna in Sicily as an expansive territory that is shaped by untameable forces from the depths of the earth. Equipped with experimental sound recording devices and analog photo cameras, we will circumnavigate and climb Europe‘s highest active volcano. We will sense its destructive and fertile capacities for the surrounding settlements that live in an intimate relationship with the volcano. Which stories emerge from the constant presence of telluric (terrestrial) forces? How does the volcano shape the local architecture, agriculture and traditions? The topography, soil and microclimate create unique geographic zones with distinct forms, smells, sounds, textures and atmospheres. Each day of the week will be dedicated to one of these zones. Walk! Listen! Eat and Observe! Record sounds! Take pictures and draw! Meet local scientists, farmers and volcano lovers!