Bibliothek Dieter Kienast

Following Prof. Christophe Girot’s emeritus status, the library has become part of the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta):
HIL C 75.1
Contact: gta Archives Bibliothek Dieter Kienast
Welcome to the specialized library in the field of landscape architecture with its collection of books, journals and audiovisual media.
Being a reference library, it is primarily available to the staff and research workers of the institute and secondly to the students.
Please note that you can lend items dealing with Landscape Architecture at the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library. It is located on the E-floor in the same building (opening hours: Mon-Fri 8.00-21.00).
Our items can be found online via the research platform ETH Library @ swisscovery.
HIL C 75.1, ETH Hönggerberg
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Book of the Month. The Librarian’s Selection

October 2018
September 2018
August 2018