Designing Transformations

The Lecture by Eric-Jan Pleijster “Lost in Paradise” is part of the Atom Heart River design studio of Professor Christophe Girot, Chair of Landscape Architecture and that is running this spring at the ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture.
27 April 2022, 17:30h – 18:30h
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 1
CH-8093 Zürich
Design Studio | Atom Heart River – A Campus Garden for the Paul Scherrer Institute
Fujan Fahmi
We are pleased to announce our upcoming Guest Lecture event tomorrow, Wednesday, April 27 at 5:30 p.m. in Foyer | HIL H, with a presentation by Eric-Jan Pleijster: “Lost Landscapes“.
Eric-Jan Pleijster is a senior Landscape Architect and the co-founder of LOLA Landscape Architects. He graduated cum laude in landscape architecture at Wageningen University (2003). Eric-Jan designs natural processes to optimize landscapes and to trigger unexpected and memorable experiences. Examples are the public space design of Feyenoord Stadium and Feyenoord City in Rotterdam and the redevelopment of the former prison Bijlmerbajes into a sustainable housing area in Amsterdam. Eric-Jan has written the LOLA bestseller Dutch Dikes (5 book awards) and the award-winning monograph ‘Lost Landscapes’. In 2013 he received the Rotterdam Maaskant Award for Young Architects, in 2014 LOLA received the TOPOS Landscape Award, in 2017 he was nominated ‘High Potential’ by PropertyNL.
LOLA (LOst LAndscapes) is an internationally operating office for landscape architecture that studies and designs spatial transitions of degraded cultural landscapes. LOLA wants to transform these landscapes into beautiful, healthy and sustainable places. Whether in the city, suburbs or the countryside, LOLA aims to design sublime landscapes that make people enjoy, wander and wonder. We match knowledge of landscapes and of large-scale ecosystems with contemporary ideas about people, space and nature. For the total of our work, LOLA received the Rotterdam-Maaskant Prize for Young Architects and the TOPOS landscape award.
We are looking forward to seeing you all.